Wingspan insights

Explore our essential player database featuring detailed player profiles, offering insights beyond mere statistics. Dive into expert scouting evaluations to uncover true potential. Identify top African talent without extensive travel by easily accessing and downloading our comprehensive scouting reports online.


what you’ll get

Exclusive access

Unlock the doors to Wingspan Insights, our unparalleled player database, giving you a competitive edge in talent scouting.

comprehensive player profiles

Delve into historical and current data, gaining a deep understanding of players' skills, trajectories, and potential for growth

personalized consultancy

Enjoy the flexibility of in-person and virtual meetings tailored to your needs and preferences, annually or on a case-by-case basis. *Restrictions apply

annual membership

Your membership guarantees uninterrupted access to our services, with the option to renew and continue reaping the benefits of Wingspan Insights.

regular updates

Timely updates on player statistics and performance, ensuring you're always ahead of the game.

What’s inside

Player profiles

In-depth player profiles, including historical and current data.

Comprehensive reports

Tailored scouting reports and insights to assist teams in making informed decisions.

Smart filters

Find players tailored to your specific needs using our intuitive filters. Refine your search based on Ratings, Positions, Roles, and Date of Birth, ensuring you find the perfect match for your team.

Transform Your Team with WINGSPAN.